Holiday Angel GIFTS flowing in for our friends in Western NC!

The SHBHU Ambasaadors and Small Handers are making the Angel Tree gifts flow in ! Thank you for everyone for your donations for our friends in Western NC for the holidays!  

Small Hander Declan and Small Hander Delaney spreading kindness!

Small Hander Declan and Small Hander Delaney spreading kindness with our "Sunrise for Seniors" Compassion mission for our friends at Meals on Wheels !  Way to go Small Handers! Great job!

16 Holiday Bookshelves of Love built for Read and Feed, Oak City Cares and Habitat for Humanity

Some amazing Ambassador teens did an amazing thing! 16 Holiday Bookshelves of Love built for Read and Feed, Oak City Cares and Habitat for Humanity ! Great job Ambassadors! Thank you to the SHBHU Ambassadors from East Chapel Hill High School NHS, Apex Ambassadors, East Chapel Hill high school Fishing club, the Walsh family, the Monsein family and the Zaranek family for organizing a great event!