Holiday Angel GIFTS flowing in for our friends in Western NC!
The SHBHU Ambasaadors and Small Handers are making the Angel Tree gifts flow in ! Thank you for everyone for your donations for our friends in Western NC for the holidays!
Small Hander Declan and Small Hander Delaney spreading kindness!
Small Hander Declan and Small Hander Delaney spreading kindness with our "Sunrise for Seniors" Compassion mission for our friends at Meals on Wheels ! Way to go Small Handers! Great job!
16 Holiday Bookshelves of Love built for Read and Feed, Oak City Cares and Habitat for Humanity
Some amazing Ambassador teens did an amazing thing! 16 Holiday Bookshelves of Love built for Read and Feed, Oak City Cares and Habitat for Humanity ! Great job Ambassadors! Thank you to the SHBHU Ambassadors from East Chapel Hill High School NHS, Apex Ambassadors, East Chapel Hill high school Fishing club, the Walsh family, the Monsein family and the Zaranek family for organizing a great event!
2024 Java Jive Jog was another HUGE SUCCESS!
This new 2024-2025 Ambassador Teen Passing the Torch leadership team did an another amazing job at the SHBHU Java Jive Jog this year! Core to the SHBHU Mission is for these Ambassadors to independently propose, organize and lead service projects and this fundraiser was no different! Great job Ambassadors! Thank you for all your hard work this summer and the day of in ALL the many ways you helped make this another memorable morning!
SHBHU UPDATES from Ambassador President Tony!
Hello SHBHU members, it's Ambassador Tony and I have a few updates. SHBHU Western NC Relief Effort Thank you to everyone who has assisted in ANY WAY in the SHBHU Western NC Relief Effort. We have had TONS of donations come in and all have been delivered to various partners with trucks and taken to Western NC. Thank you to all of the SHBHU members who have helped over the past weeks in delivering these items to the trucks. We will continue this effort throughout the year although needs are always changing. Please don't hesitate to suggest ways that you hear may help best. Updated [...]
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Great Strides Walk coming up on May 18th
We have our annual volunteer service opportunity set for all SHBHU families and supporters to help out with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Great Strides Walk coming up on May 18th! The SHBHU Flip Out for Skylar compassion team has fundraised and supported the Skylar's Striders team since 2013. You can donate and or register to walk at this team's link below. This year, we are in need of VOLUNTEERS, WALKERS, FUNDRAISERS, or all of the above now until walk day on May 18th! We appreciate your support through the years and many have expressed interest in other areas on how to help our SHBHU kids. As [...]
UPDATE on the Holiday Compassion Missions SUCCESS in MANY COMPASSIONATE WAYS!
-The Serving Smiles Team loved being at Oak City Cares on Christmas Eve! Thank you to all those who donated, volunteered and helped serve 225 meals and smiles that day. Next day to volunteer in any way for this compassion misison is on January 28th. Go to to register and find all the ways to volunteer. -Hearts to Smiles team had great success at the SHBHU HOLIDAY TOY DRIVE for children Oak City Cares and Hilltop Home, Inc. The community dropped off tons os toys or hygiene products at PDQ in Cary on Davis Drive and Highhouse. -Hearts to [...]
Please take 1 minute to complete this very important Ambassador Teen survey about the upcoming Holiday Compassion Missions. Thank you SHBHU community! Building ”Bookshelves Full of Love'' - This team will build bookshelves throughout the year at various times and holidays for various nonprofit friends. Presently Ambassadors are speaking to Read and Feed, Gigi’s Playhouse, Esther House and Habitat for Humanity.
“Bookshelves Full of Love” IMPACT PROPOSAL
Email if you are interested in helping in ANY WAY with this mission! IMPACT PROPOSAL for Read and Feed and “Bookshelves Full of Love”