Ambassador Social Media and Marketing Team Responsibilities Description
Social Media and Marketing Ambassador Director (SMMAD) – ONE OPEN LEAD POSITION You must also commit to being an Ambassador Director. CONTACT SHBHU for Ambassador Director Contract commitments.
- The “SMMAD” will need to oversee the entire Ambassador marketing team: You will be ultimately responsible for leading and organizing this team.
- The “SMMAD” MUST send a bi-monthly Check In Email: (every 2 weeks).
- Promotional Table Obligation x 2 x in 2017
- Oversee Spotlight Interviews – The Ambassador Marketing Team will begin performing interviews /spotlights over the phone, via email and/or even sometimes at Compassion Meetings in the next few months. More details to come.
Social Media and Marketing TEAM MEMBERS Unlimited OPEN POSITIONS
Ambassador Director Emma Chuman has volunteered to get SHBHU started on Instagram and will be leading this initiative within the Social Media and Marketing Team. If you would like to help her out email SHBHU directly at . There are many entities under the Social Media and Marketing Team that you can be involved in. These specific roles and responsibilities for these team members will be determined by the “SMMAD” (Social Media and Marketing Ambassador Director) and Lead Parents in the upcoming months. Have a fantastic weekend!
EMAIL SHBHU at if interested in this leadership role or to be a member on this team.