Hello SHBHU Community,
The compassionate SHBHU Bartley family has been very proactive in finding the following links to organizations that are helping those who are being terribly affected by Covid-19. Below are the links to organizations they have found. Please feel free to share with any other organizations you work closely with and help out in any way you can.
Many of our SHBHU Nonprofit Partners that Ambassadors and Small Handers have we been collabortaing with to create new 2020 Compassion Missions (ie. Integrated Child Services India Pictorial Dictionaires, Read and Feed Serving Smiles, STEAM Panther Creek compassion mission and the SPCA PAWS for Compassion Dog/Car wash) have asked us to pause for now and give them time to focus on their maintaining their own missions. As you can imagivne, they are all overwhelmed so we will do what they have asked us to do.
Lastly, let’s also remember that social distancing doesn’t just cause food and financial insecurity, but can also lead to increased loneliness and depression. Also included below are a couple links to tips for dealing with anxiety during a pandemic. Please share with others that you may worry might have heightened emotional stress right now.
Thank you Bartley Family for this information and thank you to all for your help and understanding during this time.
SHBHU Leadership Team
Managing Anxiety and Stess during Infectious Disease Outbreaks
Links to help others